Julia Åberg | Paintings & Collages
Exhibition 7 – 26 January 2022
Vernissage 7/1
Julia Åberg is based in Malmö and has received
attention for her big and realistic oil paintings and self portraits. Other of her works include collages and oil pastel sketches. Documentation is the beginning of Åbergs visual storytelling. For many years, she always brought with her a notebook, scrapbook materials, scissors, glue sticks, to continually be able to make collages out of the material in her surrounding.
The notebook pages, filled with cut-outs from magazines, brochures, torn-down posters and hand written notes was Julias way to document and capture memories and moments. They became daily journals and a product of a former need to capture her surroundings. Today the journals and the collages act as sketches or inspiration for her paintings. Painting to Julia is about discipline, and about trusting the vision. She strives to achieve a presence in her work which reflects the freedom of the original sketch.
The uncertainty of what Julias next work will be based on, and the continuing search in her everyday surroundings is what keeps her motivated, interested and inspired. In this exhibition, Julia shows her journals and sketches in public together with her paintings for the first time.